IRS Scam Alert



The Sunapee Police Department received a report that some residents of Sunapee have received an email regarding what appears to be an official IRS or Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP) communication about a tax refund. These emails are a phishing scam, trying to trick victims into providing personal and financial information. If you receive such an email, do not respond or click any links. If you receive this scam, you may forward it to and note that it seems to be a scam phishing for your information.

Additionally, clicking links from scammers may result in malware being loaded onto your computer or device; or may provide a way for scammers/hackers to load ransomware that keeps legitimate users from accessing their device's systems or files. 

The IRS has advised that it initiates most contact through regular mail and will NEVER initiate contact with taxpayers via email, text, or social media regarding a bill or tax refund.

For more information about recent IRS scams and how to identify a legitimate IRS communication, click here.

Chief E. Neill Cobb
Sunapee Police Department