Miscellaneous Photos

firefighters with santa

The Fire Department is a multi-service agency. One of roles is to bring Santa to the Harbor every year for the annual festivities. The 2011 detail went to FF Corey Oxland wth Santa's Elf Megan Oxland, FF Craig Seagrove & Lt. Brad Palmer.

group of people with certificates

In the summer of 2011 Dep. Chief/FR Dana Ramspott was at his normal job, riding as a passenger in a delivery truck when the driver suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. Ramspott was able to gain control of the truck and get it safely off the road, get the driver out, call 911 and begin CPR. He performed quality CPR to keep the patient viable for advanced care once Newport, NH EMS arrived and took over care.

Dana is seen here (back left) at the CPR save pinning award with members of Newport Fire, EMS, Police & Communications, New London Hospital EMS Paramedics and the healthy and alive patient!

firefighters next to a bus

In April, 2014 the Boston Fire Department lost 2 members in the line of duty. Sunapee Fire organized a detail of area agencies to attend the funerals. Premier Coach of Milton, VT donated a bus & driver, Appleseed Restaurant of Bradford donated meals and Jack McDevitt of McDevitt Mack donated the fuel so 50 firefighters could safely travel to Boston and back.

two men with a plaque

Capt. Tom Blinn presents an appreciation plaque to Premier Coach owner Randy Charlebois for loaning a bus for the funeral detail. We appreciate the generosity of all our sponsors.

firefighters in front of a burning building

After working a mutual aide fire in Newbury a SFD crew of Lt. Brad Palmer, FF Frank Ulmer, FF Rich Hamm, FF Corey Oxland & FF/EMTB Phil Brunelle return to pack up and clean-up.

man at a computer desk

Emergency Services rely on good communications, which is supplied in Sunapee by John Rooney (WA1SDJ).

fire truck and police car with toys for tots banner

The Sunapee Fire & Police are a team when it comes to helping the community in times of need, be it a fire, crash, medical emergency or the 2013 Toys for Tots Drive.