*Weather Warning in Sunapee*

While the predicted snow totals vary throughout the State of New Hampshire, we're expected to receive 5"-8" of snow. The real concern would be high winds and freezing temperatures which could result in power outages. The Town of Sunapee wants to protect all of our residents in their time of need. If you, your family, or neighbor loses power or heat in their residence, you are more than welcome to come to the Sunapee Safety Services building which will be open as a temporary warming location with no overnight accommodations. The event will impact travel and could be very difficult to impossible as roads will quickly become snow covered. Please take precautions as soon as possible to prepare you and your family for the next 24 hours. If you find yourself in need, please contact the Sunapee Police Department at
(603)763-5555 for any assistance. For emergencies, please dial 911.

Thank you and we hope everyone is safe!