Fuel Assistance Program

The State of New Hampshire has recently adopted legislation to provide emergency energy assistance to qualifying households. The State of New Hampshire will provide this assistance through the local Community Action Agencies. 
Who Is Eligible?
Households with incomes between 60% and 75% of the state median income may qualify for:
A one-time credit of $450 for heating assistance.
A one-time credit of $200 on electric bills.
Households with incomes below 60% of State Median Income may be eligible for assistance through:
Fuel Assistance Program - provides benefits to qualified New Hampshire households to assist with heating costs.
Electric Assistance Program - provides eligible customers with a discount on their monthly electric bills.
Gas Assistance Program – provides eligible customers with a discount on their natural gas winter heating bills.
How to Apply
To apply for assistance or to learn more about the application process, households should contact their local Community Action Agency to set up an appointment.
Belknap/Merrimack Counties
All Belknap and Merrimack County Residents
(603) 223-0043
Hillsborough County Community Action Agencies
Manchester (603) 647-4470 
Nashua (603) 889-3440
Peterborough (603) 924-2243
Hillsborough (Monday and Friday) (603) 924-2243
Milford (Tuesday and Thursday) (603) 924-2243
Cheshire and Sullivan Counties
Keene (603) 352-7512 
Claremont  (603) 542-9528 
75% New Hampshire State Median Income Guidelines
Income eligibility based on family size and gross annual income.
For a family of 1, a maximum gross annual income of $48,711 
For a family of 2, a maximum gross annual income of $63,699 
For a family of 3, a maximum gross annual income of $78,688 
For a family of 4, a maximum gross annual income of $93,676 
For a family of 5, a maximum gross annual income of $108,664 
For a family of 6, a maximum gross annual income of $123,653 
For a family of 7, a maximum gross annual income of $126,463 
For a family of 8, a maximum gross annual income of $129,274 

All of this information is available on the Dept. of Energy website as well: https://www.energy.nh.gov/consumers/help-energy-and-utility-bills/state-...