Food Pantry Needs

Thanks so much to everyone who answered the call to fill our Food Pantry! It’s looking much better – but we could still use a few items to fill it up.
The items in greatest need are;
Bread/Muffin Mixes
Individual Juice Drinks
Instant Potatoes or Rice
Microwaveable Chef Boyardee
Soup & Crackers
Canned Meats
When toilet paper was extremely scarce, you were amazing! You managed to find and supply us with so much that we hadn’t needed any until now!
We could also use some household cleaning products and our cats and dogs could use some small bags of dry food as well. Items may be dropped off at the Sunapee Town Office 24/7.

Thank you once again for the tremendous generosity that you have shown towards our community!

Laura Trow
Sunapee Welfare Administrator
23 Edgemont Rd.
Sunapee, NH 03782
603-763-2212 Office

603-369-9896 Cell