Food Pantry Needs

Due to a variety of reasons, there has been an uptick in use of the Food Pantry lately. Because of that, we are getting low on the following shelf-stable items;
Individual size juice boxes
Canned Fish and Meats
Bread/Muffin Mix
Ritz/Saltine Crackers
Nut Butters and Jelly
Gluten-Free Foods
We could also use the following personal care items;
Paper Towels
Fragrance Free Laundry Detergent/Softener
Dish Detergent

Items may be dropped off at the Town Office Foyer 24/7. Thank you so much for your past and continued support of our Town’s Food Pantry!

Laura Trow
Welfare Administrator
Town of Sunapee
23 Edgemont
Sunapee, NH 03782
