Dewey Beach is Closed for the 2022 Season

Dewey Beach is Closed for the 2022 Season

Please note that Dewey Beach is open to the public 7am – 9pm, without lifeguards or other services.  We ask that you please pick up after yourself when you visit the beach.  Swimming is at your own risk.  All docks and ropes in the water have been brought into shore for the season, as well as all boats, chairs and picnic tables have been stored away for the winter.  The handicap bathroom is still open for visitors.  The same rules apply to George’s Mills Beach area.

Thank you to everyone for a great season at Dewey Beach.  We had a blast running the beach this year, lots of new faces and new spin on annual traditions on Lake Sunapee.  The Recreation Department would like to thank our staff for their commitment this summer, Sunapee Fire for their annual training, Sunapee Police for their oversight day and night, the Building and Grounds crew for projects and upkeep and most importantly to the residents and their guest for their smiling faces each day!

Thank you all again for a wonderful season!

Steve Bourque
Recreation Coordinator
23 Edgemont Rd, Sunapee, NH 03782
Office Phone: 603-843-7613