August 2023 Sunapee Food Pantry Needs

Hoping that everyone is enjoying the final days of school vacation!
The Sunapee Food Pantry, located in the foyer of the Town Office, has seen plenty of traffic.
Thanks to those who have contributed, we have been able to supply families in need with some extra help.
Current Pantry needs are as follows:
Canned Vegetables
Bread/Muffin Mix
Canned Meats
Canned Fruit
Juice – Family & Individual Sizes
Individually Wrapped Toilet Paper
Fragrance-Free Laundry Detergent
Thank you for your continued support!
Laura Trow
Sunapee Welfare Administrator
23 Edgemont Rd.
Sunapee, NH 03782
603-763-2212 Office
603-369-9896 Cell