Alert - Gravel Roads

Alert - Gravel Roads
Alert - Gravel Roads

The Highway Crew is currently working on multiple gravel roads across town, applying materials to tackle mud and slippery conditions.

We value your patience as we work diligently to address these issues as quickly and safely as possible.


Soft Road Conditions:
We strongly advise all residents to exercise caution when driving on gravel roads during this time. If feasible, consider using alternative routes or paved roads to avoid the softer segments.
Heavy Trucks Advisory:
Due to the soft road conditions, we recommend that larger heavy trucks refrain from using these routes. In the event that road conditions deteriorate, it may be necessary to impose weight limits on gravel roads.
Respect Road Closures:
Please be aware of any road closures or detours that may be in effect. These measures are implemented to safeguard both residents and the integrity of the roads.

Your safety is our top priority. By adhering to these guidelines and staying informed, we can collectively navigate the challenges posed by the current weather conditions.

For Questions,please contact the Highway Department at                              (603) 763-5060