Crowther Chapel Committee Minutes

Meeting date: 
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Meeting started at 4:04.

In attendance: Gigi Polleys, Betty Erickson, Craig Heino, John Augustine, Deborah Grant

Before the meeting, Gigi, Betty and Debbie cleaned and set up the chapel.  There was no evidence of wood dust on the threshold from the Wood Beetles boring.
In cleaning out the corner cupboard, Gigi found $16 in an old metal tin, we will account for that amount in this year’s kitty.
Gigi purchased 2 heavy plastic tubs to store chapel artifacts in instead of the cardboard boxes we had been using.  She will also purchase a new guest book and candles. Receipts will be submitted to town at end of year. Gigi left fliers at Our Lady of Fatima, Sunapee Historical Society and the Information Booth.
Craig will contact the cemetery commission to see if they can coordinate the mowing of the chapel grounds to be within a week of when it is opened.
Debbie will docent in September. Docents are needed for July and August. Swan agreed to docent with someone else one of the months.  John will contact Shannon Martinez to see if she is interested.  He will also reach out to the Historical Society to ask if there may be anyone interested.
Meeting adjourned at 4:30

Respectfully Submitted by Deborah Grant